Thursday, June 2, 2011


Due to flooding in my city, I will not be posting for a while as I work the extra hours necessary to deal with increased traffic due to reroutes from the flooding in Bismarck ND.

My thoughts are with those residents of Fox Island and Hogue Island, who have been evacuated and have or may lose their homes.

To those affected by the floods, please evacuate when offered the chance as you may be cut off before you can get away during a flood situation.  Even a few inches of elevation can mean the difference between escape and tragedy.

For others affected by the flooding on the Missouri River, and its tributaries including the Yellowstone, my thoughts are with you as well as the US Army Corps of Engineers tries its hardest to save the maximum number of homes, both up and down stream. 

I take heart that many people in this city have pulled together to make over 350,000 sandbags for protecting property and lives during this crisis.  Everyone is doing what they can, as they can.  This is what being neighbors is all about.

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